Sunday, October 24, 2004

"The Customer Role in Agile Projects" workshop

I got down to the convention center a bit late and the registration process was almost more than my adled brain could handle. Initially, I was going to take one of the tutorials, but I backed out when I relalized that a full-day would cost me $800. Instead I ended up in the "The Customer Role in Agile Projects" workshop. What a kick. It was a great time. I've worked on three agile projects in the past few years, each one with a vastly different kind of person handling the role of "the customer". Talking with a the other members of the pannel about their experiences and tactics to support (and deal with) the various types of customers out there was very interesting. Lots of outstanding opinions, theories, experiences, and discussion. If the rest of the conference continues in this vein, it's on on-track to be one the best I've ever attended.


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